Call for Papers

The aim of the 23rd Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2021 is to discuss recent developments and practical applications in the numerical computation of electromagnetic fields for engineers and physicist engaged in the design of electromagnetic devices. Authors from all over the world are encouraged to submit original and previously unpublished contributions, reflecting the new trends and rapid progress in the field. The conference will feature oral and poster presentations. Companies and research organizations will have technical and commercial exhibitions. Contributions presenting previously unpublished, new results on the topics of interest are invited. The submission must deal with the numerical solution of electromagnetic field problems. The focus of the research work must be on the novelty of the numerical approach, the underlying application can be only used to demonstrate the new computational technique.

You are invited to submit a contribution on the following topics.

Conference Topics:

1. Mathematical modelling and formulations.

2. Static and quasi-static fields.

3. Wave propagation.

4. Electromagnetic compatibility.

5. Nano-electromagnetic computation.

6. Bio-electromagnetic computation.

7. Electromagnetic sensors, sensing and metrology.

8. Photonics and optoelectronics.

9. Material modelling.

10. Multi-physics and coupled problems.

11. Multi-scale modelling and homogenization.

12. Optimization and design.

13. Numerical techniques.

14. Software methodology.

15. Novel computational methods for electric machines and devices.

16. Education.

You can download the call for papers here